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Contact Governor Newsom
Governor Gavin Newsom
1021 O Street, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814

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Show the Governor that Real People Are Suffering

People are hurting! Fishermen and women have been out of work for 2 years and have yet to receive any disaster relief funding. Newsom’s water policies are killing California’s salmon runs and have created toxic algal blooms in our rivers and Delta. Entire coastal towns and their businesses are now endangered at no fault of their own.

We can’t let this BS continue! It’s time to get fishing.

Post a video or image that includes #ENDthisBS of how the Governor’s failed water policies have impacted you, your family, business, job, Tribe or community. Continued pressure from individuals just like you are critical to making a position change to protect cold water flows in our salmon rivers and tributaries. And don’t forget to tag the Governor using @CAgovernor so he and his administration directly understand how their water policies are hurting salmon, fishing families, businesses and those who rely on the Bay-Delta watershed.

You can even share your video or images with the Golden State Salmon Association team at [email protected] to post across our social media platforms.